
right, since there’s no way to call white ppl “racist” over this case anymore, and since it WONT end up giving BLM and the likes notoriety, let’s try to pretend as hard as we can that it just didnt happen. all of you here would be screaming for race riots right now if it actually HAD occurred, but since it was a black

fuck you :) we’re so tired of virgins who barely watch football shit-talking the Browns. we know we suck... but WE DIDNT OFFER BRYANT A CONTRACT. he didnt “not settle for the Browns,” WE didnt settle for him, fuckface. so I dont even care that you won’t let this get posted here, I just wanted to let you see it, and

i know, right? young, wealthy men going to strip clubs and taking adderal are completely unheard of. we should make it punishable by death so they never get any bright ideas again. 

not sure what team you root for, but if you’re this pathetically gullible I’m going to pay a street hooker to walk into your athletic departments headquarters and claim a coach on your team beat her half to death. it really doesn’t matter that there’s more proof that she’s lying than telling the truth, I’m sure that

what a bunch of pathetic, lifeless trolls. there are 75 comments on here, and literally every single one is a joke or someone thinking their cute. a bunch of pathetic jokes made by a bunch of pathetic jokes....

Be careful talking about that Baltimore team, fellas. You might offend an innocent Oriole. And god knows we wouldn’t want to start that up.

Awww, are you guys threatened by Cleveland? Sorry to hear that.

Most of you people are so worried about cramming your personal beliefs down other people’s throats but you dont even realize the Cleveland Indians signed the first black player in the American League. 2nd behind Robinson, who was in the National League. Larry Doby. Now thats an organization thats all about promoting