
Your Clevelandness is showing…

You know, if somehow you could've worked in a reference to Tommy Bartlett I would have given you the Nobel Peace Prize for Most Puns Involving the State of Insanity That Is Wisconsin.

Normally it's Scott Walker who frustrates Racine. If it's the kids she's worried about, just hire an Eau Claire and things should be Superior from here on out.

poor girl. You can only go so far in life when your parents name you Racine.

The dead giveaway Walker didn't write that post was the part where it says he only cares about himself and his "image." If that were true, surely he wouldn't be on the Tennessee Titans.

If you're too young to remember his UNLV teams, find an Old who will talk to you about them. Duke may be a buzzsaw going back 15 years, but the fear of UNLV back in the day was different. They wouldn't out-fundamental you, or even out-talent you—UNLV would just avalanche your ass in the way that the Showtime Lakers

Born and raised Las Vegas native, and recently moved back. This one really hit me. Tark's teams are the formative memories I've got in all of sports. I still remember going to the Thomas and Mack Stadium to watch the 90s Rebel teams as a little 5 year-old, with the laser Sharks up on the rafters in the pre-game show.

A sad day in Nevada. Tark did a lot of good, including showing people that the NCAA was not interested in due process, or even fairness for that matter. He took kids from rough neighborhoods and circumstances, and if he didn't make them stars, at least put them on the right road to a productive and fulfilling life.

Wow. Bad things do happen in threes. Dean Smith, Ed Sabol, and Jerry Tarkanian.

LA Lakers 2014-2015 team photo

It's the exact same thing as four years ago. Both teams started off slow, with questions over who was handling the ball, questions about the coach, and the big man complaining about his role.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, sh... hey, where'd you go!?!

You seems incredibly fitting that this is the way the 2014 NFL season ends.

There's never been a larger event in the history of Television, except yesterday when Man City- Chelsea had around 650 million viewers

"There has never been a larger event in the history of television"

I am in fact a woman in my twenties; however, I've actually never heard that song before. That's all the proof I need that God is real and he loves me.

Substantively, I can't disagree with anything Lund wrote. Yep, the NFL has serious problems at the structural level, and gives itself daily injections of HGH (Hypocrisy Generating Horseshit).

Shut up, he's rolling...

They're masters at it. They've been trolling their own fans since 1989.

If a former employee leaves you to work in the unhappiest city, that probably doesn't say much for you.