
Teams don't do this more often because the play is over by the time the defender gets over the line. Watch the sideline view from the GIF, Vick is already on a knee before #23 jumps.

Imagine the Deadspin post if the teams were reversed.

Whipped their ass without Cameron or Gordon, who are both about to return. I keep waiting for the inevitable letdown, but other than the Jags game it hasn't been there this season. Believeland?

Now playing

Browns news = an excuse to watch the Turkey Jones clip again.

Browns: [win remaining regular season games]
Hill: You know they're bad.
Browns: [make it to the Superbowl]
Hill: You know they're bad.
Browns: [win Superbowl]
Hill: You know they're bad.
Browns: [all donate salary to medical research, cancer is cured as a result]
Hill: You know they're bad.
Browns: [memorize and perform

The Cavs are excited to be playing Alex English and the Nuggets. Because even if he suited up today, English would still be the Nuggets best player.

I hope they do this to Kobe later just to see him go for a furious 42 point night on 17-48 shooting.

The Nuggets have always been very good at trolling. Why, just last week I saw former Nugget Allen Iverson camped out under a bridge.

Yes. The answer is yes.

From his position in the stands you can see the Skyline.

Now is a good time remind everyone that Dalton signed a 6-year $115 million deal this offseason.

Well, I have to think that wearing his jersey like this is really not helping things.

With University Hospitals and the Cleveland Clinic, this isn't a bad place to live if you're trying to treat your cancer. Not saying, just saying...

Energy drinks
New team
Halftime naps

Poor Welk, just minding his own business dropping some balls and boom, dead.

Because it's delicious.

If you ever tasted elk meat you'd feel differently.

Now playing

"And now the starting lineup for the visiting Oklahoma City Thunder..."

I only have one selfie on any social media. Its of me and a friend, front row at behind the end zone at a Browns game. Those weren't our seats, we got there really early & went down for a pic. Wasn't going to get in on this conversation until I saw your burner.

Those of us out here in the Mid-Wastelands are but a bunch of tribal savages, not fit for discussion in polite company.