This is an indictment of the Jags, not the Browns. The Browns are fun to watch now.
This is an indictment of the Jags, not the Browns. The Browns are fun to watch now.
I still watch the original Red Dawn at least once a year. It might well be the greatest popcorn flick ever made. You know it's a completely unbelievable premise, especially in post-Cold War America (before we found out the Russians were completely bankrupting themselves trying to keep up with our military hardware),…
I remember that game. It was in Tampa, and the Rams shut out the Bucs, 9-0, to advance to Super Bowl XIV. Three Frank Corral field goals.
I wish Pat the Patriot could be brought back permanently. But there are too many people in New England who associate Pat with the mostly losing years of the 70s and 80s, not to mention old Foxboro/Sullivan/Schaefer Stadium, the world's largest high school stadium.
And scored only 34 in those two games. The Rams were shut down about as much as they could have been.
Packers, but they've worn the same set for over 50 years. To properly answer your question, though, I'd say the Bills. That shade of blue with the white helmet and the charging buffalo is pretty sweet.
That was the first thought that went through my head.
I'm not sure which injury was worse — Cruz's or Alex Mack's broken leg yesterday in Cleveland. However, it's great to know that both teams have their teammate's back.
Uncle Drew and Wes. Yes!
Nancy Grace. What an awful, horrible human being.
That's pretty much what happened the last time, except I think the revenue percentage was actually reduced. The players really got hosed.
Considering all we've been through? No.
I think this is already in motion, to be perfectly honest.
It's not only the biggest comeback in Browns history, it's the biggest comeback ever by a road team — 25 points.
Damn straight, good sir!
Yeah, yeah, have your fun, commentariat and Mr. Burke.
Christoph Waltz has two Academy Awards because of Quentin Tarantino. There. I said that.
Thought the same thing. I have no idea how the Hawks are doing financially, but it may not be great. People don't care much about the NBA in Atlanta. They care about the Falcons and college football.
Yeah, and it didn't work. Garfield prevailed, 26-6. I'm not sure how good Garfield is now, but they were really good not all that long ago. So was Collinwood, which is my mother-in-law's alma mater.