
Anyone who calls this traveling can die in a fire.

"Generations of azaleas's souls will be burning".

The officers who captured them will receive total consciousness on their deathbeds.

Bad job by those in charge of the ESPN headlines bar. The Dale Earnhardt feature is already running.

Can we add Lakers vs. Knicks vs. 76ers to the list of greatest tank battles?

And with the removal of Kobe, the Lakers have performed a mastectomy of their own.

KIA presents the heads up play of the game.

Mark it zero.

So basically what you're saying is one interpretation of events is more valid than another because I said so. Glad we cleared that up.

Guess the "I can't Bet" t-shirt monopoly is already taken? And yes, I feel dirty.

Tyreek Hill Tryeek Hill His Girlfriend

Garden of Weeden

No hashtag will ever be as unfortunate as this one.

Yet, here's why this type of narrative is dangerous. You're taking a handful of instances in a 20 year time frame and making it sound like an epidemic. Are there bad, racist cops? Yes. Are there people in the system who don't necessarily work towards justice? Yes.

Sure, each of the instances you mention is unfair,

"These woods over here?"

It's even better in reverse