
Listen, I’m not endorsing this sweaty pile of taint hair, but what do we know about the fries? Maybe they were undercooked, which leaves the potato too firm. Maybe they were too crispy. Maybe they were cold! Chefs are not perfect and they are prone to mistakes....who’s to say that they didn’t just overlook a side

Its strange that this isn’t the biggest sports story in the country. Her story is just utterly terrifying. The idea of a former MVP now playing in New York being part of such a graphically abhorrent act and it sort of feels like a page 13 story. I even came into this article looking to make some joke about Rose’s

To represent ‘the other side’ for a sec...

Unfortunately, no camera angle clearly showed the fate of the ball.

I’m totally happy being an out of touch white guy in his mid-thirties who doesn’t “get” Kanye West. Fuck that guy.

I’m not sure if this is earnest or not, but I feel like this is pretty dumb. Who knows what was possibly going through her mind? Who knows how she feels about Bush? Basing conjecture on a two second snippet from a public event just seems unnecessary to me. What is even the point of this post?

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

That’s for a player that goes out of bounds and comes back in bounds.

You just had a guy that got visibly drunk during practice and now you want a guy who gets drunk during actual games??

Next time a star RB is mulling whether or not to sit out their final college season to protect his draft status and some analyst drone questions his entire moral character and commitment to football, we should just play Leonard Fournette’s 2016 over and over again.

I enjoy your work on Brooklynn 99.

Whatever his faults are (can’t say I’ve followed the allegations closely) I have no problem with him kicking someone’s ass for hitting him with a pie. The protester could’ve simply voiced his disapproval verbally or held a sign, but he chose a physical act. Well.....if you’re going to get physical with a former pro

Where’s the mention of KJ being a Hillary supporter? I thought your job was to expose every despicable creature that breathes a presidential candidate’s name, and belittle and degrade the candidate for having them as a supporter?

I would like to preface this by saying that Kevin Johnson is an enormous piece of shit who should be publicly stoned to death by the residents of Sacramento.

i get that Kevin Johnson is kinda a dick, but why are the words “self-defense” or “in retaliation to” not anywhere in this piece? it wasn’t an unprovoked, random attack.

Seconded--I’ve been boycotting since the Rams moved out, and I know more than a few other people that have been as well.

What if we were already boycotting the NFL for other reasons?

Jessica Eye (from Cleveland) got a bigger ovation than Punk did. You can’t just make shit up.

I have zero opinion on anything UFC related. That said....anyone else notice this guy did a numbered list of one thing? What’s the point of the 1 if it’s the only point you want to make? Did you think of other things but forget to type them?

Okay, Phil. Calm down and go have a Pepsi.