
Your joke gets a sad trombone. A sad, rusty trombone.

Swing and a miss.

Nice job getting this guy fired, Deadspin. One less cuck on the payroll.

State department is excepted service, right? The author is going to get fired unless this email was lost too

Super interesting article. Totally wrong and misleading but really interesting at the same time. Thanks.

Probably like waking up and finding out that your employer was sued into oblivion by hulk hogan. Yeaaaaaaaa brothhhherrrrr

Literally nothing is outside the realm of possibility here. I think there’s still a chance he never takes the oath of office.* Or he could get impeached for any number of past (or forthcoming) fuckups. On the surface, at least, it would seem to be a brilliant play politically for republicans. They could have at least

“ Trump’s team had (as of Wednesday) literally no pages”

Dude. DUDE. Please eat a dick. Please?


*** out of *****

I hope you get the stars you deserve.

You told me Trump would never be elected, Deadspin. WTF happened?

You told me Trump would never be elected, Deadspin. WTF happened?

You told me Trump would never be elected, Deadspin. WTF happened?

You told me Trump would never be elected, Deadspin. WTF happened?

You told me Trump would never be elected, Deadspin. WTF happened?

You told me Trump would never be elected, Deadspin. WTF happened?

You told me Trump would never be elected, Deadspin. WTF happened? 

Would you mind tweaking the title? It seems you either spelled Liberal wrong or White wrong. Either way title seems to stereotyping.