What terrifying fine print in some contract did Matt Damon neglect to read, that made him end up in this?
What terrifying fine print in some contract did Matt Damon neglect to read, that made him end up in this?
I'd sure like to see it. I bet it's terrible.
Saw the Star Trek movie. It was good.
Gore Vidal's Julian is really good. I always kind of wanted to see a Julian movie with Sean Connery as Constantius. Time Bandits-era Sean Connery.
My recollection of the press kit for III is that the cast pictures didn't have Nimoy in it, because they were being secretive about his fate, or had Nimoy in the regular civilian clothes he wore as the director, and the IV press kit had a picture of the cast with their uniforms posing with Roddenberry. So, for that…
I remember playing the old Star Wars: Rebellion, and Bevel Lemelisk was perhaps the most worthless character in it.
Put on these footy pajamas!
That design was done by the guy who did the Imperial Star Destroyer, so that's not surprising.
Maybe the low-poly look is to get us ready for the poor quality of CBS streaming.
Well, yes, there's that, too. I guess Sybok took the picture.
The brave crew of the Discovery will encounter sinister aliens who are data mining children in episode 3.
Yeah, I think that wreckage scene used every model that they had.
It was late and Matt Jeffries was tired.
That's an abandoned Ralph McQaurrie concept drawing for the redesigned Enterprise they ended up not using in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
So, they basically rooted around in a dusty box from 1977 labeled STAR TREK PHASE II CONCEPT ART. DO NOT USE, opened it up, and said "what the hell, why not?"
That apparently dawned on CBS producers about 5 minutes ago.
Apparently not.
A dream of a trailer to some! A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS!