
Isn't the Dark Horse story where he comes back non-canon?

Bringing back Darth Maul is as dumb as killing him in the first place. He didn't get his legs cut off, he was cut IN HALF. Ok, maybe you can cut off a limb and it's cauterized by the light saber and you don't bleed out. You can't cauterize the STUMP OF YOUR BODY. Plus, there's some fairly important equipment in that

"Wesley stopped fucking and turned around to look directly at none other than Captain Jean Luc Picard."

No, it's really bad blocking. The choreography of Vader moving past Luke and sitting down so he stays in the shot is really awkward and clumsy. Look at it again. Then look at the nice, long lingering shot of Vader's bent wrist as he watches the Emperor plummet down the shaft. You can see that his hand is bending at

Yeah, I was expecting that, too.

Now playing

And just as Dragnet was there to warn us about hippies and their reefers.

That was a fake-out, though. Carl was actually pointing his gun at the zombie in the swamp in the actual episode.

The fight choreography in that scene is terrible. Vader basically sits down so Luke can cut his hand off. The directing was sloppier in ROTJ than in ESB.

I played the hell out Star Wars: Rebellion, and it taught me one valuable thing about ROTJ:

It was an incredibly stupid plan.

That is completely not how I remember it. It's not retro talk at all. There was a lot of discussion as to whether Empire was better than Star Wars. Nobody I knew, and no movie reviewers that I'm aware of, thought Jedi was better than Empire at the time it came out. I don't know anybody who saw Star Wars, Empire AND

But there was no elaborate plan to get him on the skiff. The whole skiff thing happened because Luke killed the Rancor, which he didn't even know was there. The plan was just ridiculous, to the degree that there was a plan at all.

People I know who were college-age when Jedi came out were all pretty offended by the goddamned ewoks and their goddamned song.

I agree, it's largely a generationally thing. People who saw Jedi as teens were let down. People who saw Jedi as tots loved it.

ROTJ has been maligned by a substantial number of Empire fans since the day it came out. This is not at all a recent phenomenon. Now, I remember many people in the 80s arguing about whether Empire Strikes Back was better than Star Wars, but I don't recall ANYONE at that time EVER arguing that Jedi was the best of the

I remember that Starlog.

That was Fox Force Five after those other two chicks left, wasn't it?

Well, see, that's your problem right there. You're using one of those Alcubierre FTL3000s. Sure, they're cheaper, but they aren't very reliable. If you'd used a good old Cochrane Z-100, you wouldn't have that problem.

John Carter is basically Mal Reynolds jumping around in low gravity.

"Well, ok, but make sure the chick's gun is really, really teensy."