
It means he USED to have a "too hokey" limit.

I would guess Green Lantern turns out to be sort of a non-hit.

To crush yor enemas! Too see them drift hen be foe yew! Too hear the lama tation of the wimmen!

Now playing

Meh. They can all drown in lakes of blood, as far as I'm concerned.

They added the "Episode 4" thing when it was re-released after Empire. In 1977, it was just plain Star Wars—no Episode IV: A New Hope.

I would hope this would be more like Branagh's good Shakespearean movies, and nothing like his godawful Frankenstein adaptation.

I have to disagree with that. I cared about the Adamas. Daniel was a dick but I wanted to see what happened to him. It was fun to hate Clarice. There were characters.

I'm going to just put it right out there—Caprica was better than Firefly. There, I said it. The crown of "Best Tragically-cut-short Science Fiction Show" has been passed.

Also, he was wrong and dies moments later.

Everybody's identity contains an element of fiction and performance. Read some of sociologist Erving Goffman's stuff. But still, Feiffer and Tarantino are wrong. Clark Kent isn't Superman's idea of a human. Superman is Clark Kent's idea of a hero. Superman is Clark Kent with superpowers. Clark Kent isn't a thing that

That would be an exciting story arc—buzzing through civics books at super-speed, sitting in a classroom full of exotic-looking immigrants, taking the test. I actually wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a Silver Age issue that did just that, ending with Vice-President Nixon himself administering the oath to Superman.

No. There was a Clark Kent before there was a Superman. He didn't come here as a grown up Superman. He was the little Kent boy first. Superman is Kansas farm boy Clark Kent's idea of a superhero. Quentin Tarantino was exactly wrong.

Superman doesn't have a citizenship to give up, Clark Kent does. Superman is just a hobby of Clark Kent's. Hobbies don't have citizenship.

We're through the looking glass, here, people.

Superman is a jerk. I wish Batman would kill him.

"Oh Lois. It's not because you're black! I would no more marry you than I would marry a bug or a donkey or an octopus or any other Earth creature. We're not even the same species. Ew. And super-hearing detects the sound of a kitten stuck in a tree! Up, up, and away!" /flies off/

Is Clark Kent renouncing his citizenship, too? "Superman" is not a legal person, Superman is a hobby of Clark Kent's. Clark Kent is the guy with the driver's license and the passport and Metropolis residency.

I always kind of liked that logo. There are people scared of it? Wow. I mean, you can sit through an entire episode of Bewitched, watch Dick York caper around, look into Larry Tate's dead soul-less eyes, and the Screen Gems logo is the thing that freaks you out? Wow.


J'ai senti une grande perturbation dans la force, comme si les millions de voix soudainement ont pleuré dehors dans la terreur et ont été soudainement faits taire!