I knew this. Actually saw one for sale about 10 years ago. Talk about unicorn...
I knew this. Actually saw one for sale about 10 years ago. Talk about unicorn...
Back in the early 1980s, a car dealer in Mahwah NJ had the following sign in their window: "Buy a Lotus Esprit - Get a Renault LeCar FREE."
If you're a cop, you donut want to do something like this. You'll be hearing about it for your hole life.
So he took a 2800lb car and added a few hundred pounds of motor.
Saw an early 4x4 and my dad went at length explaining these to me. This video is super relevant.
Maybe I've just had to work too hard for everything I've ever had, but I don't see the point in destroying any car. Use it until it's done, then part it out. Let the parts go for cheap...help out some other poor fella who's schlepping his way through life.