
Adam Sandler’s a mixed bag for me. Because pretty much everything he’s done since 2005 has just been one long continuous joke about pee pee and poo poo, and his worth and value in Hollywood as some sort of legend just is so unexplainable to me.

I’ve only ever watched Two and a Half Men on transatlantic flights when I’d already burned through all the decent movies and shows. 

Shatner, why???

I’m a night owl, but I wouldn’t want to do my own nails late for fear they wouldn’t be dry when I did go to sleep.

Re: Nicole: She’s from Australia, where everything is venomous. Tarantulas are way less threatening than the spiders she grew up with.

Or .She comes from a country where the majority of the wildlife would really like to  kill you and unlike her kiddos realizes that tarantulas are relatively harmless

Anyone who actually practices self care would stay away from this level of toxic douchebaggery.

My poor masshole can only take so much douchiness before it closes for business and one really has to draw the line at Instagram “influencers”.

Jonah Hill looks so much like Adam Sandler these days.

Rich is sensitive.

I don’t even watch this show but I’m here for the commentary. Somehow it reminds me of the “Best Restaurant in New York” series which I dearly miss.

Good lord. After the birth of my fourth healthy baby, I felt unwell with a blinding headache. I was in one of the busiest and best birthing hospitals in the country. I told the nurse, they ignored me. I started to swell in my legs, they ignored me. I felt amazing in terms of the actual birth, once the headache

I watched Once Upon a Time until I stopped before the last season actually. I kind of got sick of its nonsensical plots and insanely convoluted family tree...

One of the most toxic fandoms I've ever seen was for the show Once Upon a Time. A freaking fairytale show! Fandoms are the worst.

Absolutely. Educate yourself and never settle for a doctor who makes you feel uneasy. I’m preggo with my 3rd, and gearing up for my 3rd natural birth. It’s not for everyone, but nobody fucks up a healthy labor and delivery like an overzealous doctor these days. For the record, I do give birth in the hospital (I’m not

If you want to have children, don’t be afraid, be forewarned. Be very explicit with your OB about the complication that killed a family member. And if that OB brushes you off, find a new one. In 60% of cases, a severe complication can be caught early enough to mitigate most damage.

I am someone who was saved from bleeding to death due to undiagnosed placenta accreta leading to hemorrhage and a blood transfusion that saved my life post birth. If you’re curious as to how simple it can be to save a woman from bleeding to death post birth, I can tell you it is as simple as having a hemorrhage medica

Who’s a good bear? You is! YOU IS!

This surprised me, although I haven’t done much research into it. HaHaYouFool (great name by the way) has an interesting response with regards to possible positive outcomes of fish oil. I do know that most supplements are unnecessary- we get enough from a balanced diet. Oversupplementation can also have health risks

The point of fish oil is as an anti-inflammatory. There are many studies linking it to be beneficial for those with inflammatory or neurological issues. Even if it specifically doesn’t help much with heart disease, this does not at all mean that it doesn’t have numerous benefits for other health conditions