Master Sinh

The Schumacher movies may suck, but I actually dig the soundtrack. Obviously it pales to Elfman’s original theme, but it works in its own way.

Be honest, Ignatiy. You slaved to come up with the perfect opener for your review, imagining that Franco would read the first sentence aloud before slamming his laptop shut in bitterness and disgust (the modern day equivalent of balling up a newspaper and tossing it across the room.)

This is great and all, but I think the focus should be on the children who were born into the smartphone era. Just like how I think schools should teach kids about practical things like being smart with your finances, the dangers of credit cards, interest rates and taxes, kids need to learn that living your life with

Good use of a common GRE word!

I remember listening to the Han Solo series on audio book waaaay the hell back in 2003. Never a big Star Wars fan, a friend convinced me to give it a try, and I ended up really enjoying it.

Fear and Loathing in Cheyenne

We were two good ole boys in a fire apple red convertible, tooling along on the Vegas Strip. Stone, ripped, twisted - good people.

If you’re this worried about fans hating the shit out of everything you do, how’d you ever survive six years on Lost?

Sounds eerily like my older sisters arguing over the bathroom in the morning.

Oh man. When he glances over his shoulder as he’s running away at a full sprint? That made my day.

Adnan is clearly guilty. However, the evidence brought against him was nowhere near sufficient to put him away.

I see your point, but have you ever actually seen how digital effects are created? My roommate used to work for ILM, and he would always invite me to their offices (notice I didn’t call it a studio) to hang out while his team created the visual effects you see in most by-the-numbers action movies - CGI dust clouds,

WTF, Frances Bean? How could you let this happen?!

Holy shit, I hadn’t thought of this movie since...probably the early aughts. I remember really enjoying it. Then again, I was around fifteen when I saw it, so who knows if it’s actually any good.

I don’t know why anyone would be impressed with a CGI suit of armor. Good CG doesn’t speak to an artists talent, just the amount of money a studio is willing to dish out to get high quality effects.

I saw this movie on opening night in a moderately packed theater. It was great watching people slowly trickle out of the theater, until the movie ended and the house lights came up, and to see that I was one of like five people who had made it to the end. I enjoyed it, but have no desire to see it again.

I really don’t think the A.V. Club should be rewarding this person for essentially stalking a private individual. Sending out one star-struck tweet is fine, but watching Gerwig and taking notes on her behavior throughout is really peculiar.

This promotional pic is just begging to be fucked with using basic Photoshop. For example, I would add a thought bubble coming from Jude Law that says “Why the fuck did I let my agent talk me into returning to this series? I should have Fassbender’s career.” Whereas RDJ needs a big fat teardrop under one eye and a