Read facetiously, or possibly not...

Model Y is looking to have much more capable charging hardware on its release. 

By the time they’re both released the Model Y will have better performance all around, and be cheaper. Ford will be purchased by puritans that trust Ford better than Tesla.

All y’all saying it’s ugly... go get your eyes checked.

Dude being almost a second slower to 60 isn’t “being conservative”

What my associate is trying to say is that, uh, our new brake pads are really cool. You’re not even going to believe it. Like, um, let’s say you’re driving along the road with your family. And you’re driving along la li la. And then, all of the sudden there’s a truck tire in the middle of the road. And you hit the

This kind of thing is a great argument in favor of having a comments section. Thank you!

Fun fact: Mercury is so deep in the Sun’s gravity well that time passes a bit faster there than it does here on earth. The warped spacetime causes the orbit to precess differently than predicted by Newtonian mechanics, first recognized in 1851 through measurement of historical transit data. This was a mystery until

wait, are we to feel bad that a company that makes close to a billion dollars a year lost only 8 million dollars in a quarter??

Boomers deserve every bit of ridicule that can be thrown at them.

Looks can be deceiving. But for the price of a Taycann, one can plate the interior of the Model S in real gold and it’ll still probably be cheaper.

High quality synthetic leather can be softer and more durable than animal derived materials. The top layer on both is plastic anyway.

Can you confirm my hot take: This is, despite the giant grill, the best looking 7-series since the E38.

OU alum here

Deadspin’s take on replay

the game most certainly would have ended in a victory for the Sooners.

I differ. I find it real damn bad.

I would argue that LS swapping a Model T, or a Corvair, or any number of other vehicles would fundamentally transform the experience.  It’s still powered by explosions fueled by dino juice, but the vehicle is radically changed.

I get your point in that you’re asking something to be tested for something it was not engineered to withstand... but I think you’re kind of missing the point of the video: cars are becoming increasingly safer.

Just want to point out that these are images from the prototype in 2016. The delivered version of the interface is much more clear. The entire left third of the screen is dedicated to speed and the car’s spatial awareness display.