Read facetiously, or possibly not...

What my associate is trying to say is that, uh, our new brake pads are really cool. You’re not even going to believe it. Like, um, let’s say you’re driving along the road with your family. And you’re driving along la li la. And then, all of the sudden there’s a truck tire in the middle of the road. And you hit the

wait, are we to feel bad that a company that makes close to a billion dollars a year lost only 8 million dollars in a quarter??

Boomers deserve every bit of ridicule that can be thrown at them.

Looks can be deceiving. But for the price of a Taycann, one can plate the interior of the Model S in real gold and it’ll still probably be cheaper.

High quality synthetic leather can be softer and more durable than animal derived materials. The top layer on both is plastic anyway.

Can you confirm my hot take: This is, despite the giant grill, the best looking 7-series since the E38.

OU alum here

Deadspin’s take on replay

the game most certainly would have ended in a victory for the Sooners.

I differ. I find it real damn bad.

I would argue that LS swapping a Model T, or a Corvair, or any number of other vehicles would fundamentally transform the experience.  It’s still powered by explosions fueled by dino juice, but the vehicle is radically changed.

But nothing brought up in the comment really makes the test “bullshit”.

I get your point in that you’re asking something to be tested for something it was not engineered to withstand... but I think you’re kind of missing the point of the video: cars are becoming increasingly safer.

Neutral: Pay for your damn pollution!

I always had the impression that “lease payments” were a way for people who could buy Toyotas and Mazdas to instead lease entry-level BMWs and Mercedes. I didn’t think it applied to cars that cost $150K+, except for the small slice of business people who could deduct the costs.

I think both of you are correct, with maybe Torch having a (cynical yet probably realistic) slight edge. I mentioned this on the original Taycan post.. but if I’m making $250k a year.. then that extra $70k for (on paper) less performance and way less range matters to me. If I’m making $2.5M a year.. then I’m buying

Lol, I started this argument in the blog from this morning! And Tracy basically repeated my entire argument! I demand a cut from the ads on this one!

Says a guy who’s tag is a car with 17 feet of unnecessary body work in front of the engine.

Just want to point out that these are images from the prototype in 2016. The delivered version of the interface is much more clear. The entire left third of the screen is dedicated to speed and the car’s spatial awareness display.