A lots is happening...
A lots is happening...
The truth must be reveal...
This is special to women, not to expose it on internet and committing the young one's coming up...
This is not really normal exposing their boob and body in such manner...
Miley with her dog...
Fashion saga!
Normal body at times makes a lots of senses, Miss indiana looks more energetic & super model to be crown...
That's not good enough cos woman has no time to waste...
It's very good to condole those that fall victims. Thanks pope for such laudable action...
He's apologising...
93 year old, Does she posses? The officer is also over do his profession.
What is bad is bad, SAY NO TO SAME SEX -MARRIAGE...
An unconcerned man should be divorce...
Courtesy demand...
Yes they are human like us...
This is a great testimony she need to share.
For female to be a breadwinner of the family is not bad nor against the will, any woman that fall into this should lean how to respectful & not arrogant...
Very skilful & hard working girl, good to go...
This is not funny at all, 81 pounds of marijuana...