I think this article is in poor taste.
I think this article is in poor taste.
I am so sorry that you read this today. I struggled with infertility for a DECADE with 3 miscarriages (and a perfect toddler, now, thanks to his birth mom) and FUCK that NOISE. There is nothing more infuriating than that whole "just relax" thing. Oh my god it's so rage inducing. (Also rage inducing: "now that you've…
I am so sorry that you read this today. I struggled with infertility for a DECADE with 3 miscarriages (and a perfect toddler, now, thanks to his birth mom) and FUCK that NOISE. There is nothing more infuriating than that whole "just relax" thing. Oh my god it's so rage inducing. (Also rage inducing: "now that you've…
That's so good to know. Mostly I was just being snarky in my comment; it's not that I've truly refused to see those movies; I just really haven't seen very many movies lately period and I sought out other movies when I did. But I had no idea ZD30 was her story. From the trailer I had the impression that it was a…
Is it? I was wondering about that. It seemed like it was his story about her death? I actually totally want to see that movie.
I told Mr. Clementine that I was tired of watching movies about men. (Seriously, I am so tired of watching movies about dudes.) Men and their problems, dudes and their killing people, guys and the beautiful women that save them from their own man-ness. I asked if we could spend a whole year watching movies about women…
http://youtu.be/ Like everyone else, this column confuses me. I'm trying to figure out how it is supposed to be funny. Is the author doing a character? I think maybe the character/narrator is doing something along the lines of the SNL Fred Armisen character - that women's talk show producer who is suck a dick in…
It's not wrong that someone might not want to date a woman with hairy legs. But in answering that question, an actual nice guy might think something along the lines of, "I don't think I want to date a woman who doesn't shave her legs; I find smooth legs really sexy. But, I don't know, what if the girl that I fall in…
You don't have the power to decide the parameters for this national discussion, nor the discussion in this particular online community.
I was laughing hysterically because, yes, kombucha is pretty gross. But I don't drink soda (I think the mouth coating from sweet drinks is way grosser than a sip of some kombucha mother) and the only choice for when you want a carbonated beverage is beer, sparkling water, or kombucha. It tastes fresh and tingly to me.
Excellent. Agreed. Let's do this. You become a charter member of the Gender Equality Movement, call it The Gender Equality Movement, and start devoting every waking second of your day to it. That would be amazing. In the meantime, others might still continue to do the same work under the name feminism, but with you…
My favorite thing is how that crowd always calls a fetus an unborn "child." Why not call it an unborn teenager? Or an unborn old person? Or just call it an unborn newborn? An unborn toddler might send the strongest message of innocence and cuteness, for me, but if they called fetuses unborn adults maybe it would be…
It's politicized science and money.
me, too. my pediatrician already had a recommended modified schedule that they prefer.
As a person whose read and thought carefully on this subject over nearly two years, this is not the very first time I've considered any of these incredibly obvious reasons why a standard immunization schedule is important. I would assume, but recognize that I could be wrong, that the vast majority of persons who have…
People like me and these parents in Portland believe that they ARE erring on the side of caution. Here is the CDC schedule. [www.cdc.gov] At two months old — this is a baby who cannot hold their head up themselves — an infant is supposed to get 6 doses of pretty serious shit. And then again at 4 months and 6 months…
Once again, another snarky reductionist jezebel article that has a little something to do with parenting. Well done. I am a feminist and one of "those" parents whose kid is on an alternative vaccination schedule and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the discomfort my child may experience getting shots. It has…
So it seems to me that instead of opening the linked article with "The city’s ban on cellphones in schools is taking an amazing $4.2 million a year out of kids’ pockets," I might have started with "Jobs created and record profits posted as boom in cellphone storing businesses produces new profit opportunities in…