
I agree that "no means no" is generally a reference to a particular kind of rape. That being said, I don't think how she used it was a rape metaphor as much as a reappropriation of the phrase "no means to" as if to say "Once again, what women decide is appropriate for their bodies is what is appropriate for their

I have those same shoes! I also smoke a lot of weed! Twins!

Yep, that is my understanding of the history of formula, too.

Yes. I agree with everything you wrote.

Yes yes yes and hearted. I always assumed that attachment parenting was "the" "feminist approach" to parenting because every other way of doing it was "insulting to my personal instincts" and ultimately if I was to honor my child like the person that he or she was already, then of course I would never marginalize him

Just the tiniest little language snark: attachment parenting doesn't advocate for "extended" breastfeeding. Rather, attachment parenting advocates for "just the right amount" of breastfeeding. In most cases, 'just the right amount' tends to be a little bit longer than people from industrialized countries have been

I am 4'11". Most of the time I feel attractive, sexy, competent, charming, and smart. But nothing can knock my self esteem right on its perky ass than finding myself in the same space with a woman who is also attractive, sexy, competent, charming, and smart and who happens to be tall tall tall. I find myself avoiding

Aww, thanks for the benefit of the doubt. I had a day and was just irritated by this checkmate chick. No, by "experience with the complexity of pregnancy or motherhood" I really just mean women who have never had their own pregnancy scare or a thoughtful enough conversation with anyone anywhere to realize that being a

I have reached a point in my life where I am no longer willing to engage in conversation about women's reproductive rights with children, very young women for whom the world is unambiguously black and white, and men. In other words, anyone who has no experience with the complexity of pregnancy or motherhood.

I have "unexplained fertility" which means that Mr. Tangerine and I had no luck making babies but no one knows why. We tried to get pregs while I was in grad school for my phd. when i finished school and got a job we adopted. my unsolicited advice to add to what you've already got: grad school was easier than my job

Same thing! I clicked on it thinking I was going to learn about some old-timey disease that was a growing epidemic in Norway. Super exciting! Good to know it's just blah blah bieber bored.

As the daughter of a Marine, Active Duty, I am appalled by the notion that any service man would feel it is appropriate to eat, drink, urinate or defecate while in uniform. I believe it is an utter disgrace to all men before who made many sacrifices for the roles we have today. I believe it is an honor to be a man, a


I have had enough life experience to know that what I think I would do in hypothetical situations is entirely different and completely unrelated to the decisions I make in real-life difficult situations. So I think that people need to make their own choices in their real situations and that I would never presume to

redacted... because, wow.

Just jumping into this pile... Please know that your talk of "mommy blogs" is the kind of belittling, condescending stuff I expect from the worst misogynists. Tracey was a writer for jezebel before she chose to parent. *Then* she was a feminist, a working woman, an interesting writer who sometimes had hits and

My son is adopted and we have an attachment philosophy. I nursed him for a little while (you can sometimes induce lactation with natural supplements or meds) and we wore him a lot. It's a philosophy about child raising, not a list of rules; we adopted the philosophy even if we didn't take the recommendations literally

I am bored with this conversation. Not because it's a boring conversation, but somehow because as much as I love jezebel, this topic (breastfeeding, parenting, mothering) is rarely treated with respect and sophistication. Instead, the articles and the comments are often filled with opinions from people who aren't

I always sort of assumed, from the very beginning, that once he was elected to a second term he'd go full out gay-rights and work to actively support same-sex marriage. Let's just get him elected. I thought the Biden thing was great... it reminds liberals that there is same-sex support in the White House, even if the