
Listen "Dr." Laura. It wasn't that your first amendment rights were being challenged; I'm sure if that "hateful" caller sued, you would win because you have the right and freedom to drop the N bomb, lady. If SPONSORS and ADVERTISERS were silencing you, sister, that's the FREE MARKET. That's Capitalism telling you to

@PerinealFavorite: Do you also hate it when people take their issue to the voting booth, because do they really think that some local government candidate is going to make any kind of change?

I love the wings and actually go to hooters from time to time with a bit of campy "yah, i'm a feminist, yah i'm at hooters, now let's get a pitcher of bud lite and some hot wings" and I totally agree that there are bigger feminist fish to fry. Watching those women lean up to a table and "flirt" with middle-aged boring

@jbrecken: In their appearance, yes. But they're sized for men, not women.

@Clementine Tangerine: Well, I think I didn't say it well, but my point is that we keep giving print space and time to this conversation about the diets of thin women in the public eye. We don't give the same space or time to men's diets. It may be time that we stop validating that conversation and that we stop

Can anyone remind me the last time I read a food diary or a "this is a typical day of eating for me" story about a dude? I have read 10,000* articles, posts, stories in my lifetime that involve salmon+steamed veggies, chickenbreast+steamed veggies, and assorted fractions of cups of fruits. Never is the eater ever a

@rawrsydney: I don't mind the suggestion, but kids' clothes definitely don't proportionately fit my shoulders, boobs, waist, hips, and butt. The child who wears a girls size 14 may be the same height and weight as me, but we cannot really wear the same clothes.

5'0" here; I am an impulsive shopper and often go looking for a new outfit to wear NOW or at latest for a thing tomorrow. I can't ever wear pants immediately because of the necessary hemming so I buy a lot of dresses and skirts. Come to find out, that is apparently my signature look. I have had so many women comment

@Crunchbird: For the most part, I totally agree.

Just because he is hardly the best judge doesn't mean he's wrong.


I had a colleague and friend call me over to a computer to look at what he and 2 other dudes were looking at: it was that horrible paparazzi picture of Britney Spears sans underwear, drunk, getting out of a car. I did the 1/4 awkward smile and walked away. The next day I came into work, sat down at my cubicle, and

@Catherine Morland: Yep. Also, there's a mucous thing (did I just go too far?) but if you're all slippery and wet for no reason, and you look great and you feel great, then yah, you're gonna feel sexy. Cue appropriate sexy attitude and sexy wardrobe. ZOMG IT'S SCIENCE!

I have charted my cycle for long enough to know this is kind of true, if wrapped in shitty misogyny. Because of the hormones (YES, the hormones!) my skin is clearest and my body is the least bloated and my boobs are filled out nicely without being swollen and hurty right around the time I ovulate. I feel fit and

@pantsless: Women who aren't married. Duh. Everyone knows that a 2-(hetero)parent family is best for a child. Otherwise, you're bring the child into a high-risk childhood.

I do not agree with their choices from a sustainability perspective. While she and her husband may be able to provide for her children, it is my understanding that the earth cannot provide for their descendants.

I was confused for a second; I thought this was an American Apparel ad.

My parents got rich-ish after I grew up. Take my salary (I'm a professor) and add a zero to it and that's my mom's salary. When we are in situations of gift- or donation- giving (i.e. a family friend's wedding or a person we both know does some kind of walk for some kind of cause), I frequently give twice what she

@cocobanal: omg. I might possibly have had a totally crazy roommate, and I might have figured out how to read the emails that she was writing (also maybe through temporary files) when she used the 1 computer in our house that was donated to us by a former resident.