
What is on that spoon? White candy sprinkles?

@magstheaxe: I was going to reply again hoping that if I conceded that she's wrong and irresponsible (and doing great harm to a great number of people), then I could then see if you thought that maybe she could still be respected for doing everything she believes in for her son; because most people do tend value that

@magstheaxe: Again: Fine, maybe she's wrong.

I am really surprised at all of the Jenny McCarthy hate in the comments here. It is not in our best interest to blindingly accept western science as the only authority; peer-reviewed scholarship weeds out crappy science but has a very very tiny ideological range; pharmaceutical companies are for-profit corporations

@Apollonia: I think I wore Elisabeth's dress to my 8th grade graduation!

How did the ancient humans know to stop eating after they had consumed an amount of food that would elevate the temperature of a quantity of kilograms of water (equal to their mass in imperial pounds multiplied by ten) one degree Celsius? Without calculators!

The big barbie bust where you would do her hair and makeup: off the table on grounds of Frivolity and Vanity.

They should write as Raul Krugells.

And the rest of the world is now having to be a little bit extra kind to strangers to subsidize for her lifestyle choice of having no goddamn empathy for other human beings.

@emfish55: I'm with you. He was Catholic without her. And maybe as a family they would have chosen to raise their family Jewish. But now that they aren't a family, it seems only reasonable that he's going to be taking that baby to Catholic church. (I mean, until he remarries and she's Baptist, then it's all praise

@MiseAmiee: I want to make a world that allows her to stay that way, too!!! I could get behind an entire movement of "Whatever we need to do for that girl". Can that be a political party?

too. much. adorable. must. look. away!!!!

this might be the final straw of my day today to throw me into a white hot RAGE and i am going to end this sentence and this thoroughly annoying day with a self-absorbed long line of exclamation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRGH!!!!!!!!

@SparklyTempest: I don't know this woman personally, but it does seem reasonable that her 4 teenage boys might be pretty angry at her for not looking the other way and (as it might seem to them) uprooting their life. They might also be pretty unpleasant towards her if they, like so many others, hold misogynistic views

I'm calling total bullshit on her. Yuk.

The real problem with feminism is that once women are able to work, provide for themselves, and read, they immediately discover that alpha males are sooooo gross.

I'm no mathematician, but how does this work scaled-up in a society? Half the babies born are boys who grow up, and then 20% of those dudes marry 100% of the ladies and then what happens to the other 80% of the dudes? Do they send them off to some secret sect of Mormon monks lookin' into hats all day for a purpose?

I feel like a five year old. All I can say is ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!**$$##!!!! squeeeeelll!!!!! ###$$$ **!!!!!**!!!! whoooooopp!!!!***** yahooiieeeee lost!!!!!!$$$*** soooooo excited!

@traezer: I'm with you there. I always know that something's up there — I'm just as aware that I'm wearing a tampon as I would be that I had a pad on. Now I use the instead or diva cup (why doesn't EVERYONE!?) and when they're full i can just push them out. nothing like delivering a tablespoon of sludgy blood to make

For the love of Jesus Christ will that woman please put on a fucking headband and get those goddamn thin-ass bangs out of her face.