dude, none of us really care that much about this.
dude, none of us really care that much about this.
Fuck, this is the correct take
how disappointed am I personally? not much. he’s clearly an enormous talented, but not winning a championship can be seen as a real missed opportunity. especially if a personal “flaw” contributed to that.
i remember when he was a George Will clone. now that that sort of sublimated racism is passe on the right, he has moved on to the tie and dog-whistling with a kazoo
true. about the Austrians and the video.
it’s subjective and i think there was a lot of truth to what spoke said. it’s a theoretical argument about the ratio of the difference between possibility and the actual results.
a fascinating angle. yes, there is a lot of fearlessness perhaps combined with boredom or a lack of purpose. maybe not a lack, but misdirected purpose; a desire to be the top of the heap, no matter how dumb of a heap it is.
the illusion of the “alpha male” is a prison. because they can never grasp it, the world must pay
are there any more of these??
ahhh, the solemn, ancient song of my people! it echos through time like a babbling brook
truth in advertising.
obviously spokanistan was right. see, i can do that too
I think your first sentence of the second paragraph sums it up
Obama is a goddamned republican hero (lower case republican, lower case republican!!) for his restraint. can you imagine sheer amount of hay they would be making from his comments? Sherrilyn is right, the burden is on us.
exactly, it’s not a zero-sum game. i saw BP, and didn’t have time for those other movies because i wasn’t all that interested. also, i foresee that i will not have time for Ready Player One because... well, i have no interest in thinly-veiled nostalgia porn.
even reducing his argument to it’s simplest form: Bug Budget Films = Bad, is a ridiculously naive argument. it’s not a zero-sum game, especially when it comes to indie films vs. tentpole films. the smaller films will find their audiences through the myriad of other media options out there these days. movie theaters…
the future House Minority Leader everyone! he got his tax handout, but lost his kingdom
an originalist!
he knows exactly when to trip an unsuspecting opponent. you just can’t teach that
hey, restless leg syndrome is a serious condition!