
he’s using the prospect of moving to vegas to leverage the taxpayers of oakland to give him what he wants. that’s what the rant is about. it was right in the headline

all of them?


i’ll follow you out and close the door.

he may be totally inappropriate, but by god, we have to know if he was accurate!

the nicest you’ll ever meet. when you’re talking to them, it’s like you’re the only one in the room!

whichever has the bigger heart... was that their answer?

hey, shut up! you’re gonna get us all crucified

the illuminate

somebody’s gotta keep that chair pinned down

the gag would fall flat in written form

ooh, you wily conservatives! god’s so mad, but there’s nothing he can do. they got him on a technicality!!

nah, just always applies to someone else

Yukon Ho! or nuthin

i get a lot of mileage out of that one

like when i hold the door open with my dick, and ladies are all offended and junk. WTF!?! I’M JUST BEING CHIVALROUS

he looks pretty by-the-books. maybe he’d schedule a randy email during lunch hours

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”

oh, I see. this is an article more about social decorum, and I didn’t quite realize you’re a cunt. so, my bad, go about your business of being awful

naw, cardinals were eliminated by then