but was Cam Newton’s performance today hot enough to melt steel beams?
but was Cam Newton’s performance today hot enough to melt steel beams?
if you don’t slap the first guy you find off the street in an electric chair right away, you clearly don’t care about the victim!!
such a vivid imagination!
this is happening to you because you’re the only one left that hasn’t gotten andie MacDowell to fall in love with them
and h8er people are going to h8. anyway, there is no amount of admonishing someone (barely paid enough to do the minimum that the job requires) to just ‘do their damn job and quit whining,’ that is going to ameliorate that focused, laser-like beam of hate and contempt thay feel while trudging through snow, their feet…
exactly, he needs to pay for that much more food and bigger clothes!
it was Execu-bot 2, not programmed for shame though, he works for Fox
but he’s a he, so obviously the bigger star.
you’ve touched upon the great third-rail of American politics: who is lazier/responsible for my needs. and by needs I mean delivering heavily salted foods to my gullet
because you were forced to order food you whiny... well you know where this is going
take it easy jim
close your eyes cuba
Camus can do, but Popovich is topsovich!
belichick could publicly strangle any number of second stringers and probably a few starters on the sideline and not have to worry about his job
i remember worknight sex!
God bless Cleveland fanship. in the kingdom hereafter, truly ye shall be close at the right hand of the LORD
it seems like a prefectly effecient system, but when the rubber hits the road... well, it’s good you’re wearing protection, but don’t put your dick on the road
clearly you gotta go with coke in this situation
NO! keep at it until you are frustrated and sore, that’s how you have sexy sex!