
I’ve never seen anyone coach the browns

read: “some of my best friends have bitch wives!”

“Concentrate fire on that superbattlemissilestardestroyer!”

hoo, i don’t know. seems like a whole lot of ground between Barbarossa and Custer’s Last Stand in terms of strategic blunders.

well, in general you learn more as you get older. so unless this questionnaire controlled for age - asking all respondents at the same age - I would say it’s a good proof of accruing knowledge, but not of academic standards.

uh huh, regardless, he is going to get a lot of flack

yeah, everybody

c’mon dude, knock it off

Boba Fett!? Boba fett!!

just use the force


alas, al harris

it’s better than it used to be

you’re supposed to lick it, stupid

hey bro! those college papers had the crosswords to get you through class!

oh, the vape shop is set up to close down at a moments notice. two sad display cases, no decor.

a brand new migration wave to urban centers may be in the future.

why do you think they play the ‘Imperial March’ at every ribbon cutting?

in my small town, ~7k and doing well economically, it’s hard to imagine small business moving in anywhere, unless they’re food, service or big box (even one of those shuttered).

no, he’s a GOP husband. so he’s just at home flipping between Gold Rush and Fox News while she works on her ‘little’ project with the gals