
I have those. They’re called my knees. They work wonders at preventing seat reclining in front of me.

I wondered what site you would migrate to. Everyone say hello to tomato face, Gawker’s most well known troll. His name is usually connected to tomatoes in some way. That’s how you can tell. This is the csikos Botermo tomato

Fine, dumbshit. What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone that happened by looking for a good joke is now dumber for having read it. You are

This take can melt steel beams.

Conor wiped the floor with him, boxing wise, in the rematch.

Very nice. +1

I’m 6'7". My girlfriend is 5'1". Lesson learned long ago.

Depends on your BMR (size, lean muscle mass, etc). Take me, for instance. I eat about 3,200 calories a day to LOSE weight.

It’s even worse considering that America has always had a murder rate much higher than it should be considering the rates of other crimes. There are quite a few variables affecting that number. The obvious choice is more guns. Robberies and assaults are not comparable to Rio.

Your chances of being assaulted or robbed are astronomically higher in Rio than in ANY American city. Only an idiot would try to argue that rio is just as safe. It’s an absurd assertion on its face.


Lol. I assumed you meant death because the alternative is an even dumber comment. Water intoxication happens all the time and marijuana poisoning literally just happened and has happened before.

So good

It’s not sensationalist. It’s factual.

Lmao. Who gives a fuck what is more serious? Is this a dick measuring contest between the poisons? The point is alcohol, marijuana, and even water are capable of poisoning someone. This. Is. Fact. If you aren’t arguing for or against that, you can take your argument to a place where it matters—not here.

It’s an immaterial difference. They are all “poisonous” to some degree and capable of poisoning someone. Bringing us full circle: OP is wrong.

Just be glad that agent wasn’t friends with hitchbot.

Both water intoxication and alcohol poisoning are non-lethal. They can lead to death, but to say they are lethal is not accurate. They are lethal in the same way a common infection is. Lack of treatment is the lethal part.

Lethality is not required for something to be capable of poisoning someone. Sorry you assumed that was the case.