
Still seems like a bit of a leap, but I don't really care either way.

Maybe brine it overnight and then salt and pepper and the garlic scoring.

I’m thinking toss it in the smoker for about 18 hours at 240.

All Pokemon should be required to carry their own garnish.

I bet nothing comes of this at all. Easy money.

You see, that’s not the legal standard. Even with the right standard, if Tesla didn’t know it’s autopilot was involved before the 18th, it was not required to be disclosed—because it was not material to the value of the company. No automaker discloses isolated car wrecks to investors. Without them knowing the

It would be a very dumb thing to lie about considering that it could easily be proven false. I’m taking them at their word that they didn’t know autopilot was involved until they completed the investigation. There’s little incentive to lie and all of the incentive to tell the truth.

They send an investigator because they know how important it is to determine whether autopilot was involved and they could not do it remotely in this case. Tesla was quick to confirm/invalidate in the past because they could—the top half of the vehicle was still intact and therefore capable of sending the diagnostic

I am very much in the “no fucking way this was ‘material’ information, requiring disclosure” camp.

Because the top half of the vehicle was sheared off. I imagine that the attenae (or other transmission means) were located in that half.

Thanks for the response.

Seems like a pretty crucial piece of information is kind of glossed over here. They didn’t know the autopilot was involved on May 16th when they notified the govt? Did they know on May 18th? Kind of an important (one might say the most important) detail in this whole deal.


Personally, I like that rear. It’s seems nice from this angle.

... enema


Perhaps. All I’m saying is I’m ‘86 and I know no one from my class that played Pokemon. I’m sure there were some, but it was definitely not popular. This is just my experiences, but I did happen to attend 3 different schools—geographically far apart—from 98-01 and I still know no one that played Pokemon. I’ve got

*late 20s and younger. If you’re in your early 30s or older, Pokemon was never a cool thing. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but I know no one my age that played Pokemon.

That and it looked like he was going awfully fast for that road.