
Heath was moving away from his own goal line. Troll harder.

Right. Because the call on the field is always right. Lol

Lol. If it were illegal, he would have been fined. Wrong calls happen all the time on the field. Here is an example.

Who was not you idiots know how to read or what? If it were illegal, he would have been fined.

First, it is not stated it was illegal above. Read it again.

It wasn’t a blindside block though he was flagged for one. If it was, the league would have fined him.

There is no making football safe. This was a completely legal block and it nearly killed a guy. As much as I loved playing, things like this will cause me to seriously consider prohibiting my children from playing should I ever have any.

...wasn’t beer invented in the Middle East?

True. At my age, I stay away from fights in general. Loved it when I was younger. Too much at stake now. I once found myself in the scenario you described. Was tearing them up. Got hit over the head with either a rock or a book. Conflicting witness accounts. Must have been a glancing blow because I didn’t feel it. Got

Sure. Sometimes, your adrenaline is running so high that you don't even consider that option. At least for me. Depends on who the 3 are.

People underrate the jab in a fight. Lesson to be learned: use the haymaker selectively. When you miss on it, you get kicked in the face.

“Maybe for someone who has never been in a fight.”

Looks like the torn jacket bro was one on about five. Justifiable reaction in the heat of the moment.

That’s some chance medley right there.

straight cash, homey

Btw, I wasn't joking. This has me weirded out.

I have a cousin called Trip that went to three colleges, graduated with a BA and around a 2.21 gpa, went to law school and is now working at his dad’s firm.

Presumably he has grounds since it seems like the appeals court re-tried the case instead of deciding if the lower court erred in law.

I don't. But it certainly doesn't hurt the chances. En banc is usually only granted when the original appellate decisions would lead to inconsistent results in the circuit (contravenes some established precedent etc) or if it is a matter of special importance to the public and legal system in general.

The 2nd circuit did not hold evidentiary hearings. They did not even comment on the validity of goodell’s factual findings. Trial courts are only given deference over factual findings. Legal decisions are reviewed de novo.