That post spawned some outstanding kinja. You gotta do that more often.
That post spawned some outstanding kinja. You gotta do that more often.
There is a very horrible pacing joke in there somewhere. This is me not making it.
It’s Bowie’s money. He made plans for what will happen to it. He decided his daughter shouldn’t get it until she’s 25. She’s lucky to be getting anything at all.
Really, there’s pretty much nothing with the sequence of letters M-E-T-H that seems to be good for you at all. Methanol, Meth, Methadone, Methodism, Methodological Naturalism – it’s all trouble. Keep clear, kids.
A great moment in dick history.
It better be pronounced Teh-lahn
Micks, united
I was going to say +1 distilled potato, but then I realized that’s a vodka thing. Then I saw yours, so I had to abandon the potato idea altogether. I agree. The star-givers agree. You win.
Is this a black Irish joke?
+1 famine
This is Congress? If we’re talking about the Senate, I’d pick a low-population state because every state gets two senators anyway, which is such a bad idea. Wyoming doesn’t deserve two of anything.
Dear Cheryl Boone Isaacs,
Agreed. Bad decisions. I’m not the smartest guy in the world, but I believe that governance on that level involves so many things that I am not privy too. It’s a job so difficult, I am sure I cannot properly understand how decisions are made, or how uncertain they can be when made. I try not too judge too harshly.…
But it does kind of chip away at the justification for calling them “evil personified” or wishing for them to burn in hell, as many commenters here are doing.
LBJ did JFK.
Area 51 does, in fact, exist. This is not a question. What’s there is the only thing subject to debate.
LBJ totally was behind it.