
Well yeah, but I specifically said PI, which excludes commercial litigation. And class actions is a whole different ballgame. There is actually incentive to file first in that case, contrary to the present case. In PI cases, it’s pretty rare to do billable hours. Contingency is the norm.

He’ll be saying the same shit when he loses it in 30 years due to CTE.

it depends. What state? Are we assuming the same fact pattern? Does the dog have the propensity to bite?

To which, I, a lawyer, will respond “probably.”

Babe “Great Bambino” Ruth would’ve been stoned to death at second base.

I saw a lot of people rightly pointing out that the motorcyclist is not without fault here. He doesn’t break the law, the guy doesn’t hit him (and please, if you’re thinking about posting “but he probably would have done that in a passing area too” just don’t. You have no reason to believe that). Now, in no way shape

This is why I love the internet.

lol wut? It doesn’t “point to which side the true evidence probably supports.” Nope. Not even close. Are you serious?

Well, no. The ultimate disposition says little about whether someone has a case. The wrong verdicts are reached all the time, by both juries and judges (on summary judgment). Even if they always got it right, all “having a case” means is you have a chance to win. If the reporters’ version is true, they have a good

I’m not sure what you’re getting at with the self financed part and the hourly rate. I’ve never met a decent PI attorney that files suit without doing all of that absent exceptional circumstances. Perhaps the earlier press on the situation made the attorney feel he needed some good press for the reporters. Court of

You don’t file a civil action a couple weeks after it happens. You investigate, send demand letters, send evidence to the insurance company, and hopefully get a settlement. Releasing the letter is called putting pressure on them. This attorney has experience in insurance defense and insurance bad faith litigation. He

If the reporter’s case is accurate, they absolutely have a case—even if they were trespassing.

That Tesla would go through great lengths—and employ security willing to go through great lengths—to protect the secrecy of the gigafactory? Are you serious?

Greg Hardy’s training camp. Choking instructional begins at 14. The art of tossing women onto firearm-laden couches is a graduate course.

Do not be fooled. This of this as a cat. We all know that cats are bad. Once again, DO NOT BE FOOLED.

I had to do driver’s ed in a yukon xl. Part of the instruction was the classic three point turn. The road chosen to do this on was a narrow one—one of those roads you sometimes see in populated areas that are wide enough for two cars to pass one another, but not wide enough to allow for road side parking. Anyways, if

I know, right? The way that law tries to prevent death/injuries while driving is literally the same way that taxes on cigarettes try to prevent vehicular deaths/injuries. How are people not getting this?

Yeah, and I’m not saying that Hillary is an Israeli spy, but those emails...

nice. I give that a 7/10. Good use of sarcasm. Lost art.

Dick Cheney?