I would be surprised if more than about 10% of Americans would even know how to use the character map to find those characters.
I don’t think you understand - these are pretty good teeth in Britain.
fuck that. hey, universal pictures i’ll write it for 10 bucks
I’ve actually found regular scotch tape to work better than anything else! But you have to:
1) make sure your base color is applied in thin layers because if you put it on too thick it won’t dry well and it will come off with the tape
2) wait a long time before using the tape to let the polish dry (sometimes I use a…
Dakota Johnson screaming into her Cobb salad
Next up: “E.L. James and Niall Leonard replace Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan with themselves. ‘We both acted in grade school, so we’re bringing the A-game to the films that they deserve.’”
I was in Mexico in the Yucatan peninsula recently, and in every bathroom you couldn’t even throw TP in the toilet. You threw it in the garbage can next to the toilet. It took a minute to get used to, but this is a much better way. I know this story isn’t about the US, but it’s happening here, too, where we are so…
So that’s why Elvis Costello doesn’t want to go to Chelsea.
You adipose stories like this more often.
The only thing that should go down the toilet is #1 #2 and tp. If your butt is that messy take a shower or use the garden hose. Wet wipes are just another unnecessary consumer item that eventually end up in landfills...or as fatbergs. Happy Earth Day.
For base coats, I live and die by orly rubberized bonder, and then a seche vite top coat. That combo prevents chips for-fucking-ever for me
Two different etymologies are at play here. The word “rape” as we use it now for forcible sex, comes from the Latin “rapere” meaning “to sieze or steal” and didn’t exlusively refer to a sex crime until the late 19th century or so. The word “rape” as in “rapeseed” coms from the Latin “rapum” meaning “turnip”.
Does anyone remember Ministry’s 1988 album Land of Rape and Honey?