
I'm not sure how to respond to that, other than I had a much needed giggle when I read it!

Thanks :) It's one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make, and there are still days I miss my family terribly. But then I think about the crap things they did and it makes the hurt turn into irritation and then it all sort of passes...

fwiw, I downloaded the Fitness Pal app recently and it's been a huge help. It counts calories, but it also shows what you're lacking / over in as far a nutritional content for the day. Bonus: I can wave it in people's faces - HEEELLLOOO, I only have X calories for lunch! Don't take away my dessert for a giant

My totally biased opinion gives high praise to University of San Francisco. San Francisco IS expensive, but the public transport and cultural experience options are pretty limitless. Two of my closest friends went to SFU and they loved it - big school with the feel of a small school, professors who cared about their

Yeah, I do, and it's rough. I had to cut myself off from my dad's side of the family after my daughter was born, for her sake. It's been almost three years and I still get emails and phone calls that range from self-pitying to wheedling to outright abusive. Just reinforces my decision to keep them from being a part of

Congratulations! Even making it to interviews is a huge milestone.

Multnomah Gorge! It's still a bit out of town (maybe 45 min?) but there's some great hiking to be done among some gorgeous waterfalls. There's fishing out tehre as well.

So, I had dinner with my ex the other night. When we were dating, we were both on the "Hey we're young but I could maybe someday seeing getting hitched and having babies etc etc etc" page but then the shit hit the fan, I left, and it was a pretty shitty time for both of us. It was nice to see him, especially since