
How much did this little stunt cost the tax-payers?


Take someone with you when you go to get your things.

I’d love to be able to go 50-100 years in the future, just for a few minutes, to see how the story will be told. And to make sure it has a happy ending.

Yep. Buying a home can be a gamble. There will definitely be things that the seller doesn’t tell you. Whether it’s faulty plumbing or bad neighbors or a funny smell...they almost never tell the whole truth.

That is incredibly disturbing. You are right to be vigilant about your dog and to keep the authorities informed about the situation.

Many moons ago, when I was married, I gave a shopping list to my husband. It was a smallish piece of paper with items listed on both sides.

Antiquated, yes.

I’ve only seen the first episode, which, yeah, was a bit ham-fisted. I’m glad to hear subsequent eps are better.

I think it’s a good choice and a good fit for the show.

OMG - awesome!

It just looks too firm to be air, in my opinion.

Robert Redford said he’s “not a feminist”?

His statements in the last couple of days have been weirder than usual. It seems like his dementia is getting worse.

Sometimes it is good to just get it all out.

Yes, watching Will & Grace “made” the guy gay.

There’s mischief in his eyes.

Wow, that sure looks intentional.

Young people, in general, have lower turn-out rates on election day.

I think the Kurds have a good case for gaining their independence from Iraq, but going to this guy for help was a mistake.