
What kind of hospital worker calls ICE on patients and their families?

That is awesome.

It was my favorite movie for a very long time.

Some very weird choices.

I can’t forgive her for remaining quiet while her female co-workers were being called liars about the sexual harassment at Fox.

Jessica Jones was so great, wasn’t it?

No one is drowning him.

“If you actually participate in a rumor, you make it bigger and you make it real.”

Yeah, I don’t think she’s lying or anything.

After one or two hits of really good weed, she would be feeling it. And, yes, everyone would be smelling it.

Kids who were in high-school in the 1970s had grown up with the sexual revolution and the mind-expanding vision of the 1960s.

I hate to sound trite, but the video is so life-affirming, and damn if we don’t need that right now.

Wrong thread, dude.

Absolutely right. Both types are dangerous.

That was my thought, too.

I guess I don’t have this problem.

Yeah, but there’s two kinds of anti-gay conservatives. There’s the kind that thinks, well, the Bible says it’s wrong, so it must be wrong.

I loved the first season, so I was hoping to disagree with your review on the second.

I lived in Hollywood in the 1990s and saw James Wood at a restaurant with a woman who was at least 20 years younger than him.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies to the American people every time she gives a briefing.