
people who get offended by someone else's choice of footwear should probably just go murder themselves for being such miserable assholes.

Robyn Hitchcock - seen him somewhere around a dozen times. his record label is based in the town where i live, just down the road from Chapel Hill, so he plays around here every 18 months or so.

i ran in them for three years. LOVEd them. heat, sand, ice, rain. loved them.

those finger shoes are great for running.


Ivanka doesn't have a uni-brow.

no, dog.

the Black Dog riff is in the Jazz Chromatic Minor scale in the key of A.

it's kind of a common usage…

Willy proves the point: he was shameless and he resisted all efforts to take him down!

the Dems as a party haven't learned that a sense of shame is an enemy of success.

all of us

why does everyone in the Trump circle look like Sopranos' extras?

who is calling for war ?

cheerleaders gotta cheer!

Clinton fans are the epitome of what's wrong with the Republican party:

Maybe we shouldn't have a shitty two-party system then?

Because that choice is for the PEOPLE to make not the PARTY

where Hillary can bury Bernie with help from his own party