
CP was the first of the sites i blocked from my FB feed, last summer.

lying in the service of hurting liberals is no sin, in the eyes of GOP Geesus


yes, and it will involve the words "Steele" and "dossier" and "Hillary".

Upside Down is one of my favorite YLT songs.

further proof that big-time media is a reality show where everybody is performing the news, instead of reporting it.

it doesn't matter. but here you are thinking about it instead of thinking about the fact that Lil'D is a traitor. Conway has polluted the discussion.

GMO Chrysler!

the Episcopalians offer gluten-free Jesus : rice Christ!

imagine Hillary sending Chelsea to sit in her place.

don't get all turgid, it's just roosters and cats.

ok, fine. enjoy your obsession with Maddow.

i don't know how a person can know how to type but not know how to read.

big hint: this isn't about Maddow.

we wouldn't want to attach ourselves to any party or person who had a chance of being less-than-perfect. who wants to take responsibility for anything that's less-than-perfect ?

USA: It's not just lazy, it's tacky.

so, they didn't do what you said they did.

Dear Ivanka,

that's because they literally have no actual principles beyond "whatever liberals like, we must hate".

sadly, even if that's not true, he is a Republican.