
The news focused way too much on how Trump treats women

whole lotta Monk: Solo Monk, It's Monk's Time, Les Liasons Dangereuses.

the media is obsessed with Trump?

unfortunately, due to the way Presidential elections work in this country, the Dems can't just cater to their own because that path leads to yet another popular vote blowout / electoral college loss.

heh… speaking of fake news.

i get the feeling Mr Morrissey's work ethic is not very strong

So we agree that this story amounts to "BREAKING: Private citizen is embarrassed of social media posts."

Yes, I am assuming that the redditor posting stupid pics under the name HansAssholeSolo is not connected to power

CNN had to dig further to find the person behind the stupid name, because… somehow that's in the public interest.

why, yes, in fact there is!

what if it's a Stanley Cup full of whiskey ?

on the other hand, Larry Craig was shown the door with maximum haste.

it's covfefe

because, last week, the American President - a guy with a history of explicitly encouraging his supporters to assault journalists - went on a childish Twitter tirade against a couple of journalists who made his sads all itchy. it received widespread condemnation.

so, in conclusion: our President has the emotional maturity of a hormone-addled 14 year old boy.

i'm sure they got a fair number of death threats for their Mohammad episode

I'm imagining my reaction to reading a story where it's Fox News or
Breitbart deciding not to out someone who made an anti-Trump mem

like this?

What's amazing about this whole story is how they've spun it into this guy being the victim.

keep spinning. keep pretending this is all about my word choice.