
life must be very hard, being threatened all day, every time you reach an agreement with someone.

replace "mom" with any person you like. being told by that person that the reprieve that you wanted and that they've granted you is not unconditional isn't a threat. it's how life works.

when your mom tells you that the next time you call the next door neighbor girl a dirty Jew whore you're going to get a whoopin, your mom is clearly being thuggish.

so… they should have published his name?

reminding you of why you got the deal you got is not a threat.

it's almost as if whining about the media is actually what they find most important.

you steal my car, but then i catch you. you say you have a problem and that you're trying to do better. i believe you and agree not to turn you into the police. if i remind you that i know who you are and if you steal my car again i will tell the police, am i threatening you?

they didn't judge or sentence him.

Not to defend the guy, but CNN basically telling him "if you ever do it
again, we will out you" is blackmail and a wholly unprofessional thing
for a news organization to do.

quite a strange thing for someone who's been living in government housing for years.

yeah, the .. err… glowing… reviews of this show are baffling.

CD rot will make it tough to get a lot of 'vintage' CDs

fuck your bigotry

i think you have to take the horse with no name.

i do think i like it better this way

eve let the dogs out

first there is a mountain. then there is no mountain. then there is.

for the first time in 43 years.

as long at they buy new ammo to replace the stuff they used up.

she seems nice