
why exactly is that evidence of improper behavior?

i don't have any fucking idea what he's up to. and neither do you.

they'll fiddle with the numbers a little bit. the holdouts can say they improved it. then they'll cave, like they always do.

There is absolutely nothing nefarious here.

these weird little holdings are actually kinda common.

of all the people in the world to buy her property… Donald Trump?

"Technically Not Illegal" is currently the top contender for the GOP's 2018 campaign slogan.

in other news, serial fabulist and petulant narcissist Donald Trump is still President.

his constant whine makes him sound like a crying three year old.

it's no "Horse With No Name".

i started reading them in 2000, pretty much the day i turned thirty (i was on a plane, needed something to read). i thought it was nice to find a bit of popular culture that wasn't pure crap.

he's always been history's greatest monster

it's going to be called "Concentration". every episode dares the viewer to follow the path of one of 600 numbered ping pong balls as they bounce around inside the worlds biggest lottery machine.

i like my blend to be 1:1:1, beef, pork and veal. meatloaf burgers, in other words.

nobody can defeat the power of swimming!

Even his supporters have to, at some level, recognize that Trump is
struggling to make even a modicum of sense every time he opens his mouth

Dee Lite is the right answer

needs mushroom gravy (jagerschnitzel)!
or at least a lemon (wienerschnitzel)!

it's not a highway. it's a series of tubes.