
it's pronounced teTAY.

i don't like how clicking on a link to a comment (from a notification email, for example) takes you to a page that shows only a subset of the actual comments on the thread. makes it hard to know how the conversation is actually going.

can every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer also be quickly solved by a computer ?

i hope it's a musical and Donald Glover does a hip space rap about how dope it is to kick it in the clouds with his homie, Han.

"Aaayyyyyyyyy! errr i mean … Wrrrrrraaaarrrrrrgggg!"

i eat lunch in the company cafeteria every day. the food is a solid B+.

more people voted for the Dem in the Presidential election.
Dems gained Senate seats.
Dems gained House seats.

how much does Anker pay to get a headline mention each time?

yes, Trump is the president of the electoral college. that doesn't mean fuckall about how the Democratic Party's message resonates with the actual people.

is winning so much?

stupid people have stupid opinions

his songs were always the worst on the records.

i've never fucked a day. but i've had my days fucked.

Rabbit season!

i'm sure most people in the US would turn their noses up at it. but, it is out there.


I found out recently that Americans don't have roast potatoes

but it's not sold in regular stores here

you can buy chicken nuggest at Target!

rabbit meat is fairly easy to find in the US - i've had it in restaurants and i can get in my local supermarket. rabbit heads, on the other paw… don't see many of those.