
"The 2nd Amendment…is a Constitutional right to protect your children,
your family, your home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check
against governmental tyranny — for the protection of liberty."

Dear "Conservatives",
This is what a "second amendment solution" looks like.
Don't like it? Stop advocating for them. It's not a fucking game.

i always assumed the 'plan' was the stuff that happened in the first few episodes. then they learned that they didn't actually kill all the humans, and so the plan was moot.

Firsthand Foods in NC makes a damn good brat.

anyone can make their own gin in their kitchen: vodka + botanicals + time.

they should fix that fucking auto-preview bug where it automatically starts playing a trailer for the show if you don't scroll off it fast enough.

from being stretched so often.

it’s a little surprising that “I need to be free of this marriage” hasn’t already resulted in Darnley’s murder.

See: Orange is The New Black

we're working through #3… but that episode with the rowing crew and the filibuster? that was weak-ass. it stopped us from wanting us to continue.

"Technically Not Illegal" will make a great rallying cry in 2018/2020

oxytocin is a hellofa drug

Q: which vegetable is the best reader?

they could put one kind of cheese inside another kind of cheese!

a friend is taking her teenage kids to the Boston show. the kids are more interested in seeing the Lumineers open.

and any asshole who tries to take my Remain In Light away will die under punches.

they sound like the taste of meat?

i saw the Momentary… tour. my mom took me for my 17th birthday. got me high in the back row of the Carrier Dome.

saw Elvis maybe 7,8 years ago at Merlefest. it's a bluegrass festival so he did a lot of his country-ish songs, and did country versions of his big hits. probably a bit of a strange situation for him.

i was mightily unimpressed when i saw Elvis Costello.