As an iPhone 4 user, I actually told a buddy of mine today that I have not seen a single Android app that has really impressed me.
As an iPhone 4 user, I actually told a buddy of mine today that I have not seen a single Android app that has really impressed me.
@Walternate: I know what you mean... had a look at one of my buddies' Android phones yesterday.
There are always two sides to every story. We are only hearing one side.
I like it!
Like I say: Content is not free. Someone has to pay for it.
I can't tell you how many times I wish I had an Ethernet dongle for my iPhone!
Reminds me of the days in my TV Production class.
@chibaraki: I too am a EU citizen and get the full "treatment" from US customs when I return to the US.
I think this is a bunch of BS on the government's part.
@Akio Morita: I loved my Atari 800XL. That was my first computer... after that came Atari 130XE, C-64, Amiga 500, Mac Performa, PC, Mac Mini etc.
At the $99 price point - I can easily afford an additional AppleTV.
Thank you Steve! I love you again...
I want 3 things tomorrow:
@alex-y: That would be nice.. iPhone needs more carriers in the US.
@Hello Mister Walrus: I would definitely program for iOS.
As a happy, joyful iPhone user - I have no issues paying for great apps.
@Xagest: At least with iPhone - I only upgrade annually! :)
The typical Microsoft response. Let's throw lots of money at it.
Being the iPhone user I am with the latest and greatest version of iOS installed on my phone...This is something I never quite understood about the Android OS.
@openfly: I got into Amateur Radio to take things one step further in case the analog telephone system fails too.