
@Cogito Ergo Bibo: I have done the same thing at our University too. Landlines were costing us big bucks and students really weren't using them.

@IceMetalPunk: I believe Steve Jobs mentioned that this was coming at the last All Things Digital conference.

The proximity sensor seemed to have been the "real" issue on my iPhone 4.

Another great example of German Engineering.

This is one of the better iPad apps I have seen lately.

@Habs: Same here... *fanboy dance*

@eros: Well, since you only have the 3G you could upgrade to the 3GS.

Sure, many say they could have used a laptop and a webcam to do this.

Bravo Gizmodo... let's move on.

I think all Apple Fanboys should be equipped with Light Sabers.

Of course HTC is seeing a lesser complaint rate - they sold less phones!

Let the speculation begin...

I like what Apple did with the bumpers.

1. Apple admits there is an issue.

@katypee001: I don't like getting into Android vs. iOS arguments, but you need to check out the global stats.

The sky is falling. Oh no, the sky is falling!

@Elliuotatar: I think Michael Jackson may have been testing the prototype prior to his unfortunate expiration.

As an iPhone 4 user with a working iPhone 4 - I'm getting so tired of reading these posts.