
Man, I miss Hawkmoon...

I want to share too!

I’ve got some carbon fiber, bronzed, radioactive shinigami titan thing going on right now. Devastation Complex is the only armor I’ve generally liked so far.

I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.

I love all you because my laugh was gross af

While it would be terrible for many people I can’t help but drink and laugh at how Youtube’s Golden Goose, the manchild with clear racial issues, could end up being the one that practically destroys the entire Youtube industry simply because he couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut and therefore his shitty views to

Showed this image to my wife.

Wow, this is great. I can’t wait to spend hours casting low level spells at random rocks to level up my magic again.

I have mixed emotions about this...mainly because I’m old and don’t want to ruin the brilliance of the original.

I’m shitting myself at this news, it’s great!

If a crowd of people surrounds my car and starts hitting it, I’m getting the hell out of there. I can’t be the only person who feels this way.

Herring’s vigil is interesting. S/he had stabbed a neighbor and sliced a cop before s/he was shot. While I think that better mental health approaches need to be tried, to which I look to Britain as having a very low rate of shooting angry knife-wielders, the fact the neighbor is still in serious condition is something

Great article and a great game. Definitely one that defined my teenage years along with MK.

I think it would be amazing if there was a Light Side Fundamentalist/extremist sect that were the bad guys of a Star Wars movie/tv show. A Jedi Westboro baptist church if you will.

If you get a chance to ever buy/borrow the DVD/blu-rays, the commentaries are fantastic. Some of the guest commentary is great as well - one of the S1 episodes has a track from Matt Groening and Futurama writers. Another starts off with Harmon lamenting they are re-doing the commentary for the episode because Roiland

I always found that “why don’t we just try hiding” gag hilarious. But if you listen to the commentary for the episode, Harmon *hates* it. They are really very down on the dialog from that section of the episode. But it makes me laugh every single time.

In the end, the plague touched us all. It was not confined to the Oran of Camus. No. It turned up again in America, breeding in-a-compost of greed and uselessness and murder, in those places where statesmen and generals stash the bodies of the forever young. The plague ran in the blood of men in sharkskin suits, who

Thats the smart thing Warframe did with it’s PvP, all powers and guns are retuned specifically for PvP, granted, everyone can leap around like spastic hamsters so that makes it difficult, but everything being balanced separately for PvP and PvE makes things much nicer all around.

I prefer the 90's designs... man, my old is showing.