Dumpster Fire

Well I guess people will just buy foreign tractors then. I suppose the lesson is John Deere is greedy and as a result people will buy foreign and Americans will lose their jobs. I bet those executives will be just fine though. Good thing Trump is here to fix it.

What is wrong with this country? We have our priorities so backward. Other countries invest in education, healthcare and other social programs for its citizens while we blow up our budget to defend against a threat that doesn’t exist. This is why we’re falling behind.

I bet those panels in the picture are about $10000 a piece.

I have to disagree on Atlas shrugged. There is no reality in it, but there are certainly truths.

This is great.

How funny that Trump friend Thiel funded the lawsuit that bankrupted Gawker which was then bought by Trump enemy Univision and is now running a project to undermine his administration by getting leaks out of the White House. Poetic.

Speculating that he might be doing Russia’s bidding is just silly. He probably got asked about the sanctions by the ambassador and tried to be polite and agreeable. Why is it that everyone assumes the other side is working to destroy the country? We might disagree on policy and science and human rights and women’s

I have never owned a reliable Logitech product. All wireless keyboards and mice have huge lag issues and don’t work over 7 ft away or if your desk is in obstructing line of sight. I struggle with this on a daily basis. And that is on top of having to replace the mouse because of a bad left clicker.

I have never owned a reliable Logitech product. All wireless keyboards and mice have huge lag issues and don’t work

I found him to be anoying and unentertaining. It seems like he is famous for being famous.

The problem with the Bolt is charge time. It makes it impractical to travel a significant distance without stoping and waiting a considerably long time for the car to charge. The Boltay have been first to market, but it’s more expensive and doesn’t have the fast charging network that the of the Model 3. I agree it’s

Is this the tentacle porn one or the one where Bart fucks Marge?

Oh and all those dirty money grabbing Jews right.

Just because some people are into dog shit animation doesn’t mean the rest of us or the academy should stoop to that level. There’s probably some people who like 2 girls 1 cup too.

I have one with a scanner. Its great for scanning documents but its pretty awful for scanning photos. So keep that in mind if you go with Brother.

I have one with a scanner. Its great for scanning documents but its pretty awful for scanning photos. So keep that

We can’t all escape a hell on Earth by moving to Mars. We would just take all our baggage with us and have hell on Mars. As soon as we export religion to the red planet, we can make hell multi planetary.

Trump doesn’t need intelligence briefings because he already has too much intelligence.

How else are we going to save jobs in the fossil fuel industry? Just ask the miners what they want. Every single one of them would rather work 100's of feet underground in a dirty hot mine, huffing methane and coal dust, than do something like build solar installations outside. Although I guess a lot of coal comes

You forgot to mention that power from power plants is more efficient than burning gasoline. So in reality, building more power plants would be more environmentally friendly than conventional vehicles.

They are going to get them returned with pin holes in the suction cups.

Trump suits? Great deals on Trump suits? It’s going to be beautiful.

Trump suits? Great deals on Trump suits? It’s going to be beautiful.