I think some peoples vote is based on who they recognize and what party they’re in. This seems to be the case. I think a followup question should have been what other candidates did you consider?
I think some peoples vote is based on who they recognize and what party they’re in. This seems to be the case. I think a followup question should have been what other candidates did you consider?
Jeb and Hillary? Are we going to start doing dynasties?
Isn’t there a car with solar panels on top that can run the AC while the car is off? It would be nice if more cars did that.
This is dumb and you know its bullshit
So I guess being a nerd is the cool thing now? I’ve always suspected Selena Gomez might be a closet contributor to cpubenchmark.net
What a waste of money. You can buy a four seat plane with auto pilot and climate control for less. Are those poor villagers in remote Africa going to fill up the aircraft with gas, launch it with their Humvee and send it sat nav instructions so we can get our 650k hardware back? And why would we send this to resupply…
This woman is delusional to the point she thinks her God would give a shit about her finding a diamond. Clearly she isn't aware God is too busy answering prayers for touchdowns.
Can we raise Christopher Hitchens from the dead please.
Can we get God in here? Need to clarity a few things with him and maybe go for a wrestling match.
Don’t blend your fabrics you shellfish eating homos.
I think we should get rid of standardized testing and focus on standardized curriculum. It should be challenging and not dummed down so even the students that don’t care can pass it. Student who refuse to partake in school can go learn at a separate facility and allow the kids that actually want to learn to do so and…
Great for security I guess. When I become a big tech CEO, criminal, politician (criminal) or spy, I’ll def be happy about this. In the mean time sooooooooo glad I switched back to android, where I can add and remove files from my phone willy nilly.
"legacy memorial to our greatest generation" Is he talking about the generation that pilfered the country's coffers at the expense of younger generations.
I still don’t understand what Kansas City never makes this list. It’s my home airport and the worst I have ever experienced. Each gate has security. If you would like to go one of the restaurants or get a magazine or anything other than sit on your ass, you have to leave security and then come back through.
So you’re saying I shouldn’t be reading this on my 15 inch screen at full brightness. While the 42 inch tv is playing Mad Men 10 ft from me.
womens tampons are always way more expensive.
Anybody considering getting a vacuum sealer that uses this method should be aware that any food containing a reasonable amount of liquid needs to be frozen first otherwise the liquid sucked in between the heating elements can often prevent the back from fully sealing. If you plan on doing a bunch of vacuum sealing,…
Anybody considering getting a vacuum sealer that uses this method should be aware that any food containing a…
It says on the page that your password will not be transferred over the internet. The page probably loads the algorithms and runs them locally.
How secure is my password is actually a time traveling super computer from the future. It determines how safe your password is by going through all combinations until it hits the one you've given it. Pretty interesting fact.
for my most common one and its variations I got 28 seconds lol. My VPN password however was 4 trillion years. Pretty proud of that however I can't remember it so its in a txt document lol.