Yeah, playing it safe is what you do when the welfare of your family includes that of a four year old child.
Yeah, playing it safe is what you do when the welfare of your family includes that of a four year old child.
The question remains, why would anyone buy a Mac? I've used Macs plenty, and they suck.
Remember when Nintendo had real controllers and good games other than bowling?
You're paying the same price, so Amazon is taking .05% of what you're paying and giving it to a charity, not giving you a discount. The money comes out of their profit. Yeah they get tax credit, but all that is doing is taking money away from the federal government. The government would just use it for spying on…
It would be nice to have a biological agent that could be slightly manipulated to kill whichever species you wanted. Some dick would start killing people with it though.
I got a 4 GB 770 Shane. Na na nu booboo.
Would it have helped if he said thousands of tons *.5v^2?
Not yanking the paper hard enough and it just unravels the roll a bunch. You roll it back on but it not the same :( :( :(
How did she write a computer program when no computers existed? I call shenanigans. Someone get me the code and lets see if it runs.
My gf is the same way.
Also, I'll fix your macbook as soon as you get your laundry out of the washer. It's getting mildewy.
Also, men use tools as —you guessed it— tools. We often fix the things you break and make your life better through their use. Sometime we use those tools to build you a nice smoothly sanded and varnished piece of furniture of a quality you can't buy at the store, which you immediately scuff up with sandpaper and…
My girlfriend always wants to watch scary/horror films. I tell her it's gonna be shit, and sure enough that horror film didn't win any awards. Next time we are picking out a movie she chooses another horror flick. Guess what. GARBAGE! Next movie, hasn't learned her lesson, shit again. I like movies like Inception,…
Well silicon is actually one of the most abundant elements in earths crust so as far a panels go, we should have too many problems.
The only way I've seen to get panels at .80 a watt was to buy them sorta wholesale, which is like 20+ panels. Otherwise they are still $1 + per watt. It's kinda bullshit. I don't need mr. middleman to take his cut of the pie. I think Nanosolar produces at .55 a watt now but they only sell to commercial sized…
If they are so fragile they will break during production, how are we supposed ship the panels in trucks, have them thrown over our fence by the lazy UPS guy and put them on top of our houses where they will be pounded by hail at some point, without them breaking. I understand that the panel frame will offer some…
What you're talking about dozens or hundreds of square feet of silicon in a solar array it obviously makes a big impact on the price. But when you're talking about the small area of a CPU it's not really significant. CPU's are expensive because of the etching processes and the portion of the CPUs that don't go to…
Yeah that makes sense. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of not having that option on an install.
Standard XP doesn't come with SATA drivers on the installation disc, so you have to have a floppy or you have to rip XP to iso, add a SATA driver and then re-burn it. Sometimes the BIOS has a compatibility mode, but not always.
Remember when AOL and other tried to monopolize the internet by hiding it from you and only making their services easily accessible?