Ronan Sinatra

The pope certainly could deport him.

Right now a physiological explanation of transgender identity/expression/behavior is still hypothetical. So drawing a distinction between that and “transracial” expression is not definitive. I think it is okay to say “transracial” expression is rejected because we find it unacceptable as a society.

For a recent

Says the guy whose profession is only right 2/3's of the time on close calls.

Even if the terms were fixed, say to 18 years, which is close to how long they serve anyway, it would end the gamesmanship of when the justices retire. A new justice would be appointed every 2 years, so each president would get to nominate 2 per term. The partisan makeup of the court would be logically influenced by

Really, who is paying these people.

Obv. the police are selling it to you...

Biker is at fault. His excessive speeding deprived the merging vehicle of notice that he was approaching. Could not see him when the decision to merge was made.

As glorious a Burneko bomb as ever.

This is an unlikely excuse. It is a presidential election every other cycle. There’s a 50% chance for an even-numbered year he buys a domain for that it is a presidential year.

It might have been impossible for him to see the tiny motorcycle speeding in-between the lanes even if he did check his blindspot. The confluence of factors, including the left-lane car moving onto the shoulder (might not have seen him) and the high rate of speed of the motorcycle might have been unavoidable. If

When someone goes to a rabbi and is interested in converting, the rabbi will actively discourage them and only the people really determined will make it through. I think its good that tattoo artists employ a similar technique with people interested in neck tattoos.

I would add that abandoning voters in red states is tantamount to the same sentiment in these secession think-pieces.

I see you’ve heard the French national anthem before.


You only paid $30k? Somebody wake up Father Time.


When you win more votes in the places you don’t need in order to win, you ran a bad campaign. By definition.

Was it always their plan to make us pine for the steely-eyed self-assuredness of Mike Pence?

Agree 100%. Also, I know how hard it is for most of you to compliment Buzzfeed—so kudos on that!

BTW, Dylan doesn’t work there anymore after he wrote that piece.