Ronan Sinatra

Really, what “ethics” are holding you back? We’re talking about a company that systematically cheated emissions standards and you the consumer. They are required by court order to pay to buy your vehicle back. Have with it as you will.

Welcome back from vacation, we have missed you!

The purpose of this endeavor is way more limited than it is advertised: Keep David Brock employed post-Clinton dominated party. The intended audience of the leaked email is about 20 people with checkbooks clutching their pearls.

Ivanka is ineligible for VP because they are both residents of the state of New York. (Look up the Twelfth Amendment)

Can someone explain to me why these weren’t straight up Android pcs to begin with?

Lindsey Graham was a JAG lawyer, he should really know better.

Its perfectly possible to build sprawling single-family exurbs AND not have transit problems. Especially if you build a grid on pristine empty desert where there aren’t 300 year old roads. The average 25 mile commute in Phoenix at rush hour is 30 minutes. Hot Take HamNo strikes again.

I will follow you to the end of the Internet, Ashley!

Honestly why should the Yankees let this serial cheater knock down the Babe’s HR record? Good move.

Nice try.

We need to harden our vulnerable spots? Why do I get the idea that Wayne LaPierre is already working on that right now.

This judge is a trained lawyer, and successfully argued before the United States Supreme Court before taking the bench. I’m going to assume that the lawyer he held in contempt was being seriously disruptive.

Who is that white bitch with the overbite?

Whatever. God doesn’t exist. Try subscribing to a moral philosophy dictated by your conscience rather than a coterie of cloistered, antediluvian virgins.

Down-ballot my ass. The disbursements to the state parties so far are enough to keep the lights on at each of their headquarters for <2 months. Curiously, the proportion of the total contribution limits on behalf of 32 state parties, the DNC, and 1 candidate that Hillary could collect on her own is 0.73%, yet the

Limiting the amount of money individuals can donate to a campaign used to have bipartisan appeal. Good luck living in your country sold to the highest bidder.

He says there shoe-shine stand would be more lucrative—but only because the government can’t track his income from it. I feel for the guy tremendously, but I also wonder why he can’t get a job as a Walmart greeter to supplement his income. Is he working 40 hours a week writing? It’s hard to judge when I’m just a guy

Therapists will often have you perform a similar ritual and physically tear up your destructive thoughts. You should try it.

Coach was a Capulet.