
Season 4 is the best season of True far. I feel sorry for Pizzolatto. He had a good run, maybe it’s over? But taking it out on other creators is not how you get back on your feet.

BotW is far and away my least favorite Zelda game. This doesn’t look like merely “more of the same” or DLC like some people are claiming, but I do wish it moved even further away. I’ll probably pick it up, but used this time around. Looking forward to the next “totally new and different” Zelda game. They do seem to

Meh, I’m still not that excited even after that. It just looks like a lot more of the same, which is fine if that’s what you want, but I played BotW enough to never want to play it again. Still no indication of proper dungeons. The Banjo/Kazooie vehicle/weapons mechanic looks goofy, and yes, I hate that weapons break.

I will say in defense of this kind of thing, that at least I, personally, enjoy these challenges in RE games. They’ve been there since the first game in 96, and the challenge of actually unlocking it tends to be more fun than the reward itself.

Tis my experience as well.


That sucks, those clutches are really light to.

It happens.  I bought my 93 Mr2 NA from an older gent with back issues.  He was in his 60's looked great for his age but his back just couldn’t take anymore getting in and out of low slung cars.  Car was immaculate and well maintained and I could tell it killed him to sell it. 

Turns out Liberal Dystopias are better than Conservative Utopias.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Sir, this is an Audi’s.”

Your expectations for this remake of Front Mission tell me that you either never actually played the original Front Mission, or you don’t actually remember playing it.

lol, “the stoplight wars.” Sounds like our guy lives his life a quarter mile at a time, racing grannies in V6 Camrys all day long.

Definitely a more appealing package.

Ah yes, more folks are working and have a bit more money than they have in 30+ years so now inflation is our fault. Not the price gouging and stock buy backs, or the PPP loan forgiveness, it’s the regular folks who’ve been scraping by for decades.

Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.

I’ll have to agree. I think they really started to improve with the 2015 generation- I never had much a reason to complain about those seats. They weren’t amazing in any way, but after a long trip I never thought much about them. The rear seats in that gen were too firm though (I had a ‘15 then ‘18 Legacy).

I am absolutely begging you to take a basic civics course.

It’s funny because I’ve been itching to play through it again. It’s been years since I played through it on PSP. Now I get to enjoy it on the big screen!