
I think the C8 looks damn good

Literally the reason why I play RPG’s. Love me some numbies

I read your book cover to cover Brian! What a great read and so informative. Japanese Whisky has definitely been my favorite spirit for about 7 years now. 

he didnt survive the blast he teleported right?

definitely. what do I care?

This series was so good. Cant wait for Season 2! The Sit

Its crazy how much me and my wife have enjoyed this version and how much flack its getting from AV club and a few other places. I sort of see what you are saying but this is a pretty decent adaption and even King himself said he liked it so I’ll go with his thoughts on it

Isnt it 9 episodes?

I just wish they had found a way to integrate the episodes into the main game. I hate leaving the game then choosing the episode. Just really takes me out of it

I mean incels are pretty dangerous and its of course the product of that narrative that is happening today. 

2 and 3 remake are a pretty good time

Thats the plight of “I got my console at launch” for 30 years. You get it cause you wanted the new hotness and now you have played the games you want and now its a waiting game till more comes out. 

cant wait for this series to be done with first person

Also now plays at 60 FPS on PS5 which has prompted me to play through it again and it makes the combat so much more fluid and fun!

You are right. I have known he has been a piece of shit since the early days of 4 when him and mike ross were doing stuff together. At first he just rubbed me the wrong way but after a little while I was like this guy is a piece of shit.

ya its been happening for awhile. He has turned into a real piece of shit

He is the simp king

meh I personally felt it was brilliant

I personally think it looks fucking awesome

I hope Dark Souls 2 gets remade someday cause its seriously the biggest piece of shit. I would like it better if the multiplayer was as simple as 1 and 3.